don't sell out my hiding place

Star @sauceystars

Age 18, some dude

wadduya think

4 da GOATS

In a galaxy very far away

Joined on 4/17/22

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sauceystars's News

Posted by sauceystars - 5 days ago

I finally got rid of that shitty morning star name



Posted by sauceystars - January 1st, 2024

2023’s Holy Shit! A yearly recap

So 2023 is almost over with having yet to post anything, and imma be REAL honest with y’all. I clearly kept making promises with those I couldn’t keep while also slacking off with the “projects” I kept mentioning with little to show. Because all I have ever done was just fall into so much stress during those years. It kept happening a few times where living at my uncle’s place felt like my trauma coming back to me all over again in escalating to where he wanted to keep me after the age of 18 to kicking me out before even turning 18 (which was in November btw). Amongst all times, suicide was just an excuse to turn a blind side to the reality to think I was only seeing without realizing how much it was compared to how little relevance I made only for a few clicks. I’ve never been the sharpest tool in the shed, but it was clear that the people that are more talented than me, and all of Newgrounds were giving me an opportunity to only improve upon my skills but to myself. I lacked the skills to make music, art, movies (animations), games, let alone a proper introduction (because “WHOOPIE GOLLY!!!” Imma dam introvert) but my hope for next (or this) year would be different.


Here's a Hominid to make up for the inactivity. Digital art is clearly not for me, so prepare to see some spaghetti



Posted by sauceystars - December 22nd, 2023

So this clearly me starting to make some beats, which was my passion to make for a long time now. And its almost near the end of the year so I gotta make some developments to myself for time to time. I might lag on it for a little bit (depends on motive) but I feel the determination of this turn I'm making.iu_1133215_10811429.png


Posted by sauceystars - July 28th, 2023

so while the time to myself fell short, my mind did occur to some heavy choices amongst my physical limitations but what if I happened to bomb the junk inside me.


Posted by sauceystars - March 13th, 2023

I'm leaving, because Im simply too lazy to do anything to make a single post. That's all lol

Posted by sauceystars - November 23rd, 2022

So as of now, I'm less of motivated to even continue on with my time on Newgrounds (nor twitter) for the right/wrong reasons reckoned with. As of this problem of mine progresses, I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to remain in the dark for a while til I can feel the needs for a motiving way to continue giving my underrated ass the kind of content people can enjoy [oh, and plus I should have use of my vocab better than what I already presented (if the people known me that is lmao)]. BTW if I could, it would be better if I wasn't lazy in my ambitions, because ya know (jobs, doodling, and sleeping in lol)

I hope ya can understand the laziness I'm going through, I REALLY hoped to give ya the good somewhat content I could provide so far. Besides, I'm a self-teaching artist with funny ambitions. But I'm just happy to have some followers on my profiles. (er page)

Posted by sauceystars - November 6th, 2022

so again, im poor on getting equipment to post stuff, but clearly i wish to contribute more on the accounts i have on the site im on. and no nut november is keeping me busy from the main course

Posted by sauceystars - September 15th, 2022

How much is supporter, im tryna change my shit on display

Posted by sauceystars - July 4th, 2022

As I aimlessly search for entertainment in the big Corps, I happened to stumble on this site for quite so long. As my bio says, why it does happen to be accurate to what I'm doing in real life cause I'm lazy to even create art for the media. So rn I'm just some guy that loves browsing NG :DDD